
Module Contents#



Supported values for FederatedDataset.analytics_visibility.


Describe the General composition of the dataset


A standard description of the data to aid users of the data to understand


Differential privacy level


Privacy Settings for your Dataset


Input for creating a new Federated Dataset


A Federated Dataset existing on the platform

class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.AnalyticsVisibility#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Supported values for FederatedDataset.analytics_visibility.

PUBLIC = 'Public'#
LIMITED = 'Limited'#
class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.DataSheetComposition(**data: Any)#

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

Describe the General composition of the dataset

geography: str | None#

Describe the geographic regions represented in this dataset

data_type: str | None#

Describe the data types represented in this dataset

modality: str | None#

Describe the modalities represented in this dataset

disease_group: str | None#

Describe the disease areas represented in this dataset

body_part: str | None#

Describe the body parts represented in this dataset

class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.DataSheet(**data: Any)#

Bases: pydantic.BaseModel

A standard description of the data to aid users of the data to understand your dataset. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09010

name: str | None#

Name for the dataset

motivation: str | None#

Describe the motivation for building this dataset

composition: DataSheetComposition | None#

Describe the General composition of the dataset

collection_process: str | None#

Describe the data collection processes used in the creation of this dataset.

preprocessing: str | None#

Describe any preprocessing/cleaning/labeling performed in the preparation of the dataset.

uses: str | None#

Has the dataset been used for any tasks already?

distribution: str | None#

Describe distribution considerations for this dataset, if any

maintenance: str | None#

Describe the maintenance plan for this dataset.

class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.DifferentialPrivacy#

Bases: int, enum.Enum

Differential privacy level

NONE = 0#
LOW = 1#
HIGH = 3#
class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.PrivacySettings(**data)#

Bases: rhino_health.lib.dataclass.RhinoBaseModel

Privacy Settings for your Dataset

k_anonymization_parameter: pydantic.NonNegativeInt#

The minimal number of data points required to provide metric response values

differential_privacy_setting: DifferentialPrivacy#

The level at which to enforce differential privacy

class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.FederatedDatasetCreateInput(**kwargs)#

Bases: FederatedDatasetBase

Input for creating a new Federated Dataset

datasets: Optional[List[Dataset]]

A list of Dataset Dataclasses, use in place of dataset_uids

primary_workgroup: Optional[Workgroup]

A workgroup Dataclass, use in place of primary_workgroup_uid


>>> FederatedDatasetCreateInput(
...     name="My Federated Dataset",
...     datasets=datasets,
...     datasheet=json.dumps(datasheet),
...     analytics_visibility="Limited",
...     privacy_settings=json.dumps(privacy_settings),
...     primary_workgroup=project.primary_workgroup,
... )
name: str#

The name of the Federated Dataset

base_version_uid: str | None#

If this Federated Dataset is a new version of another Federated Dataset, the original Unique ID of the base Federated Dataset.

dataset_uids: typing_extensions.Annotated[List[str], Field(alias='datasets')]#

A list of UIDs of the Datasets comprising the Federated Dataset

datasheet: DataSheet#

Datasheet for the Federated Dataset

analytics_visibility: AnalyticsVisibility#

The visibility mode for Federated Dataset’s Dataset’ analytics (“Public” or “Limited”)

privacy_settings: PrivacySettings#

Privacy settings for the Federated Dataset

primary_workgroup_uid: typing_extensions.Annotated[str, Field(alias='primary_workgroup')]#

The unique ID of the Federated Dataset’s primary Workgroup

contact_email: str | None#

Email address to use to contact the owners of the Federated Dataset

class rhino_health.lib.endpoints.federated_dataset.federated_dataset_dataclass.FederatedDataset(**data)#

A Federated Dataset existing on the platform

property datasets: List[Dataset]#

Return the Dataset Dataclasses associated with dataset_uids


The result of this function is cached. Be careful calling this function after making changes. All dataclasses must already exist on the platform before making this call.

datasets: List[Dataset]

Dataclasses representing the Dataset

property primary_workgroup: Workgroup#

Return the Workgroup Dataclass associated with primary_workgroup_uid


The result of this function is cached. Be careful calling this function after making changes. All dataclasses must already exist on the platform before making this call.

primary_workgroup: Workgroup

Dataclass representing the Workgroup

property creator: User#

Return the User Dataclass associated with creator_uid


The result of this function is cached. Be careful calling this function after making changes. All dataclasses must already exist on the platform before making this call.

creator: User

Dataclass representing the User

uid: str#

The Unique ID of the Federated Dataset

dataset_uids: List[str]#

A list of Datasets comprising the Federated Dataset

name: str#

The name of the Federated Dataset

base_version_uid: str | None#

If this Federated Dataset is a new version of another Federated Dataset, the original Unique ID of the base Federated Dataset.

datasheet: DataSheet#

Datasheet for the Federated Dataset

analytics_visibility: AnalyticsVisibility#

The visibility mode for Federated Dataset’s Dataset’ analytics (“Public” or “Limited”)

privacy_settings: PrivacySettings#

Privacy settings for the Federated Dataset

contact_email: str | None#

Email address to use to contact the owners of the Federated Dataset

creator_uid: str#

The UID of the creator of this dataclass on the system

created_at: str#

When this dataclass was created on the system

dataset_names: List[str]#

The dataset names

primary_workgroup_name: str#

The primary_workgroup name

creator_name: str#

The creator name